Your philanthropic involvement is needed!

Together with governmental and non-governmental partners, our donors and more than 15,000 volunteers, we work towards a world without social inequalities, poverty and hunger. Together with foundations, we want to improve the living conditions of our target groups and make a social impact. In Austria, in Europe and worldwide.
To get closer to our vision of a socially and ecologically sustainable world without social inequalities, poverty and hunger, we are always looking for new partners. In collaboration with foundations, philanthropists and supporters, we can make an important contribution to achieving the SDGs.
- In many projects at home and abroad, we rely on donations to help people in emotional, physical or material need.
Are you looking for an effective project that fits your foundation's purpose? You want a reliable partner for project implementation?
- In innovative "Carideas" we merge the technology and social world! The starting point is the challenges and needs of vulnerable people. Together, we design a digital, social solution that works for the people affected and makes a difference.
You want to support us in the implementation of an innovative project idea by means of start-up financing? You would like to support us in the international scaling of an innovative project?
- In a time of multiple crises, we are always looking for strategic cross-sector partnerships to jointly develop impact-oriented solutions.
Do you have ideas or plans for a more socially and ecologically sustainable world? You want to change society positively and develop a project together with one of the largest charity organizations in Austria?
Get in touch with us.
I look forward to meeting you in person!
Caritas Vienna makes an important contribution to solving current social challenges. I am impressed by the great experience and the continuous development of the organization in order to offer help at the cutting edge. Caritas Vienna is a constantly learning organization in the best sense of the word. It is great to experience the commitment of a colorful mix of employees who work here every day to make Austria a little warmer and more helpful for many people.
Social justice, common good orientation, holistic human development, respect and openness towards others, and solidarity are among our values. Our working principles include participation as the basis of a democratic and inclusive society, empowerment and helping people to help themselves. Through advocacy, we work for and with those affected to combat the structural causes of poverty and injustice.
Economic sustainability is just as much a basic attitude for us as social and ecological sustainability. Donations to Caritas Vienna are tax deductible. We are committed to using the funds entrusted to us appropriately, economically and verifiably. The Austrian Seal of Approval for Donations (OSGS), an independent seal of quality, stands for security and transparency in donations. We meet the high OSGS standards. The annual financial statements are audited every year by independent auditors.
Mission & approach
Together with our donors and more than 15,000 volunteers, we are working towards a socially and environmentally sustainable world without social inequalities, poverty and hunger. A world in which every human being can develop freely and live in peace.
We pursue exclusively non-profit purposes. We support people regardless of origin, gender, religion or ideology, disability, age or sexual orientation. We stand up for people who have no voice and support them in making their voices heard. We become active where necessary help is lacking.
We support people in emotional, physical or material need quickly, effectively and professionally - in our parish projects, in the social counseling centers, with outreach work or food distributions, we provide help for self-help. We want to enable refugees not only to find shelter in emergency accommodations, but also to arrive in society.
We create meaningful jobs for people who find it difficult to gain a foothold in the primary labor market - for example, for people with a refugee background in the magdas Hotel, for long-term unemployed people in the INIGO catering business, in our carlas, our second hand shops, or for prisoners in our logistics center.
We actively counteract school dropouts and thus promote equal opportunities in education. We support qualification and access to employment for young people without education, job or training. We empower children and young people, with and without a history of migration or flight, and encourage the adults of tomorrow to help shape the future.
With community work, we promote solidarity, social participation and access to art and culture for all. We support good coexistence and counteract loneliness with parish projects and innovative offers.
We are committed to the inclusion of people with disabilities and contribute to breaking down barriers in society: from our inclusive school and nursery "Am Himmel", to our bed and breakfast, to "Atelier 10". Because: disabled is who is disabled.
We are at work every day for elderly people and those in need of care at home in their own four walls or in our nursing homes. We enable them to lead a livable and self-determined everyday life. And through the hospice, we support them in living a dignified life to the end.
In our international programs, we focus on humanitarian aid, education and food security, sustainable land management, women's empowerment, and building social businesses - especially in our priority countries such as Ukraine and South Sudan.
We take action for climate justice, live circular economy and act as an organization according to our sustainability guidelines. We contribute to the achievement of the SDGs through our work, always seeking strategic, cross-sector partnerships.
Innovation & Caritas Wien
The innovation team of Caritas Vienna develops new offers and services for people in need when:
- new needs arise
- existing services reach their limits
- new technologies open up completely new possibilities
Strategy focus:
- In the current Caritas Vienna strategy, "digital innovation" is one of 5 strategic focus areas.
- In the course of this strategy, we deal intensively with new technologies and their application possibilities and potentials in Caritas work.
- The focus is on the users and their needs.
- During development, we work closely with Caritas experts, external cooperation partners and the target group.
- Ideas are quickly tested in simple form (prototyping).
- Findings are incorporated into further development.
- Direct benefit for the target groups
- Sustainability
- Scalability of the new solution
Current projects include:
- "Mittendrin": a digital solution for people with learning disabilities. It supports them in making new friends.
- Mobile energy consulting for households affected by poverty
An excerpt from a large number of innovation projects:
Examples of Successful Innovations
In a dynamic world where problems and opportunities change ever faster, innovation is a central task of Caritas work. So that we can offer the best possible help and support today and in the future.